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'ECGs by Example' notes on the book

This is the official webpage for comments, corrections and superfluous trivia associated with our ECG book.

ECGs by Example. Jenkins + Gerred
Published 1997, Churchill Livingstone (ISBN 0 443 056978).
Authors: Dean Jenkins and Stephen Gerred Reviewers: Hamish Charleson and Hugh McAllister Publishing team: Laurence Hunter and Barbara Simmons Stocked in the following online bookstores Blackwell's Online Bookshop - worldwide delivery Donald Ferrier Ltd. Harcourt Brace Waterstone's UK


Dr Michael Belz should be spelt thus.

Section 1 - supraventricular rhythms

Section 2 - Ventricular rhythms

Section 3 - Bundle Branch Block

Section 4 - Heart Block

Section 5 - Pacemakers

Section 6 - Ischaemic Heart Disease

Section 7 - Hypertrophy Patterns

Section 8 - Miscellaneous

[ECG library Contents] [About the library and its librarians] [History of ECGs]

This page was last updated on 16th November 2001. Dean Jenkins.